Reports From the Field, On the Hunt with Rex Specs

Duck Hunting Black Lab in Rex Specs Dog Goggles

When we first started developing Rex Specs, we thought they might be really useful for hunting dogs who often return from a day in the field worn raw around the eyes or are suffering from seeds embedded in the eye, or from brush scratching or damaging the eye. Over the last several years we've seen more and more hunters add Rex Specs to their gear list.


I bird hunt all over the country and in some harsh conditions. Reba’s eyes are just as important as mine. Between debris floating down river, cactus and thick brush there are a lot of hazards to her eyesight. I have been very happy with Rex Specs and knowing that my hunting buddies eyes will be protected is priceless. - Erik P.

Riley emerging from thick cover while searching for pheasant. I have not had to pick anything from his eyes so far on this trip. -Derel S.

Wendy’s first pheasant hunt in the books. 20+ mph wind and snow. She was able to see everything without the wind and snow hindering her ability to see thanks to Rex Specs -Cody S.

"Grass seeds are a problem when working Dolly in the fall so I got some @rexspecsk9 to protect her eyes. She tunnels, face first into blackberry thickets and even in thick cover—she's fine, no thickets [with the Rex Specs]." -Daniel K.

"I have two hunting beagles.  One has suffered repeated eye injuries in the same eye.   I think the first one affected his vision and then he kept getting them.  The last one took 3 weeks for it to 'heal.'   During this time I tried Doggles but they fit too close around his eyes forcing them shut and were tinted so he would not move with them on.   I bought him Rex Specs, followed the training videos and we went hunting later that week.   I was concerned they would not hold up to the briars and brush the dogs run through chasing rabbits but it was no problem.   Thanks for saving my dogs hunting career.  -Steve A (Livonia, MI)


We've gotten some insightful reviews from avid hunters using Rex Specs to protect their hunting partner in the field. These folks have been great about providing positive feedback but also letting us know what we can improve going forward. We are committed to creating the most durable and dependable canine eye protection - customer critique and comments help make this possible.